October 19, 2011

Planning: The Lay of the Land.

While we were up in Wisconsin, Mia and I took really good measurements of the tree(s) that we want to build on and the distances between them.  We even took compass readings so we can later decide the best direction of the slope of the roof and so on.

I drew up a very basic layout of the trees.  Here is the scale drawing if you would like to play along.

I am going to use this to draw out the Beam plan and the Joist plan of the tree house.  Those should be soon to come.  Just a brief explanation of what in in the drawing, the small tree is self explanatory.  The large tree has a branch that starts about 4 feet off the ground, so that is what you see as a dotted line.  All the sizes and distances were measures at 7 feet off the ground since that is where I expect to build the tree house.

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